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Build Something Lasting in Your Community
Pocket Forests and People:
The Ayer Devens Main Streets Regional
Pocket Forests Project


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The Town of Ayer and the Devens Regional Enterprise Zone (Devens) are working together with residents and community members to take action on climate resilience and increase the quality of life by planning, designing, and installing pocket forests through the Ayer Devens Main Streets Regional Pocket Forests project. These forests will better connect people with nature and reduce impacts of climate change by reducing urban heat-island impacts, improving air quality, reducing flooding through increased rainfall capture and infiltration, and providing accessible greenspace.


Prior to Planting on April 29, 2023
Ayer Pocket Forest Planting Day Drone Image  (2).jpg
During Planting Day on April 29, 2023
2023.09.01 Pocket Forest Progress.jpg
Forest Growth Summer 2023

With funding from the Massachusetts Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness program, Ayer and Devens installed the region's first Pocket Forest in Ayer as a pilot site. Check out the "Project Story tab" for more details.

Interested in building your own pocket forest in your community?

Check out out "What is," "Why," and "How to," resource guides our team developed to support pocket forest growth everywhere.

Land Acknowledgement

The Ayer Devens project is taking place on the traditional territory of the Nipmuc Nation, including the Nashaway band of Nipmucs, who inhabited these lands and were forcibly removed from them around the time of the 1643 Lancaster purchase of land in the region by European colonizers. Land is essential to human understanding of our personal and collective identities, to our health and well-being, and to our very survival as a species on this planet. With this land acknowledgment, we recognize the violence inherent in the separation of a people from their territory, and the conflict and suffering that this continues to create today. The project team is working to include, collaborate with, uplift and celebrate the voices and priorities of Indigenous Peoples and institutions in this project, and in the ongoing fight for climate justice.

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Neil Angus

(978) 772.8831

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Heather Hampson


(978) 772-8220 ext. 143

This Project is funded by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy & Environmental Affairs Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Program

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