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In each SuAsCo Town, we created a Storymap to share the lessons of the Sudbury, Assabet, and Concord Rivers, Natural Climate Solutions Project.


Click on the cover below to launch the tour for the Town of Natick.

Natick Story Map Landing.jpg

Nature-based Solutions Project Recommendation Sheets

In each SuAsCo Town, we selected three model sites for Nature-based Solutions Project recommendations, with additional support material provided to the Town to guide the next steps toward implementation of future projects. In Natick, we selected Natick Center, the Pegan Brook Neighborhood, and the Pegan Brook Trail.

Click below to download the project recommendation sheets.

Natick Center_Project Program-final_2 Page 001.jpg
Natick Center_Project Program-final_2 Page 002.jpg
PeganBrookBackyards_Project Program-final_3 Page 001.jpg
PeganBrookBackyards_Project Program-final_3 Page 002.jpg
PeganBrookTrail_Project Program-final_4 Page 001.jpg
PeganBrookTrail_Project Program-final_4 Page 002.jpg
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